Awesome Abel Tasman
It’s evening of Day 6 and two sturdy black carry-on style duffle bags are waiting for us in our room when we check into our…
Winding West Coast New Zealand
Blog 2 of our New Zealand Adventure starts on Day 4 still in Queenstown, then moves up to Wanaka and out to the West Coast…
South Island Sensational
After a pleasant fourteen-hour flight that involves a surprising amount of sleep in addition to three feature-length movies, we land in Auckland, New Zealand, in…
Ravishing Ravenna
Ravenna has been on my radar as a “Place I Want To Go” for forty-two years. I know the exact number of years because it…
Top Ten Things to do in Venice
Here in no particular order, are my suggestions for the top ten things to do in Venice. 1. Buy A Vaporetto Pass Buy a vaporetto…
Venice is For Romantics
Europe overflows with towns and cities and landscapes that evoke romance. Consider how many poets and composers and writers and painters drew their inspiration from…
Girona Sightseeing
Girona is the main town about a fifteen-minute drive from the Castel d’Escales and well worth a full day visit. The town is a bit off…
Castel d’Escales in Catalonia
I begin my six-week sojourn in Europe with a vacation from a vacation—a one-week stay at the evocative Castel d’Escales in Catalonia, Spain. I am…
Visit to the World’s First Purpose-Built Insane Asylum in Vienna
I’m in Vienna’s extremely lovely airport plugged into one of the smartest desk arrangements I’ve ever seen. My flight for London leaves shortly so…
Welcome to Vienna
I have great intentions to continue blogging in between trips but it doesn’t seem to happen very consistently. And so for the next three weeks,…
Ten Things to Do on a Cruise
The great thing about a cruise is that you are free to do whatever you want to so long as it can be accomplished within…
Why Tuscany?
People often ask me why I decided to write a novel about Tuscany. It’s a good question and not easy to answer. I have been…
Sleeping Under the Tuscan Moon
I love Tuscany so much that I named my novel after it! Europe is full of amazing sites, compelling history, gorgeous countryside, and yet there is…
The Most Beautiful Piazza in Europe: Il Campo in Siena
First Stop in Siena The first stop for any visitor to Siena is the Piazza del Campo in the heart of the city. In a…
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