
Step Into a White Belt with Martha Randall on Bowen Island!

August 24, 2018 to August 30 at Xenia Centre on Bowen Island

Deborah Bramm and I are thrilled to be co-hosting our second Bowen Island White Belt with Nia Trainer Martha Randall.  Xenia Centre on Bowen Island is a very special venue and we are very excited to be able to offer full accommodation and all meals for two very special prices.

If you register before July 15, the cost is just $1188 including all taxes for your accommodations at Xenia and all meals. After July 15, the cost rises to $1320 including taxes. We have just a few spaces left! You can pay for your accommodation at Xenia by e-transferring to me at or clicking the appropriate PayPal button below.

Before July 15:
Buy Now Button

After July 15:
Buy Now Button

We can't wait to host you at Xenia on Bowen Island in 2019!

What is Nia?

Nia is a non-impact fitness practice that incorporates movement styles from the Martial Arts, Dance Arts, and Healing Arts.  I teach Nia classes on Bowen Island and occasionally in North Vancouver. If you are looking for a fitness practice that makes you feel good about yourself and your body and leaves you feeling joy, then check out Nia at and come to a Nia class.

Nia is for Every Body.

Nia Classes on  Bowen Island

Join Carol Cram and Deborah Bramm at the the Teen Centre on Bowen Island:

  • Tuesdays from 1015 am to 11:15 am
  • Saturdays from 10:15 am to 11:15 am

Everyone is always welcome.